Friday, December 9, 2016

5 Natural But Effective Skin Whitening Tips: See the Effect in 3 Days!

Everyone wants to have flawless skin. Not only that it makes you younger, you also feel confident about yourself.
Good skin means you are healthy and it also means you look better. Having glowing and radiant skin can be quite a task, so here are some home remedies for skin whitening.

Apple Skin Whitening Cream
Taking good care of your skin is very important these days primarily because you want to maintain its natural moisture and glow.

One natural way to whiten your skin is the use of apple peelings which contain alpha hydroxy acids or AHA's. These components enhance the color and elasticity of your skin.

To prepare this:
- Soak apple peelings in milk for twenty minutes and mix them until it becomes creamy-foamy.
- Put it inside the freezer for around ten minutes and pour a teaspoon of lemon juice.
- Apply this all over your face and neck.
- After 15 minutes, use cool water to rinse it off and use ice cubes to massage your skin and close your pores.
- The effect? Baby-soft skin and rosy white cheeks.

Chilled Orange Juice
Orange juice can also be used to keep your skin at its peak. They have natural vitamins A and C that can lessen dark spots and coloration on your skin. These nutrients sustains even complexion.
To do this, dip a small cotton ball on three tablespoons of orange juice. Then, damp the ball all over your face, gently and steadily.

Let the juice rest on your face for a good five minutes and rinse with cold water. Do this for one week.

Tomato Juice Cleanser
To help you minimize the impurities on your skin, use tomato juice as it minimizes the melanin production and protects your skin from sun's UV rays. In effect, you will have lighter skin tone and prevents you to have oily skin.
To do this:
- Mix half-ripe tomato pulp with a tablespoon of baking soda and honey.
- Put them together and dab the mixture on your face and neck.
- Wash the mask after five minutes.

Cucumber-Papaya Whitening Mask
Full of whitening enzymes, nutrient-rich vitamins and antioxidants, papaya cucumber whitening mask will increase the production of collagen in your skin. It helps you remedy imperfections such as discoloration and dark spots. - Put together equal amounts of papaya and cucumber slices into a blender and make sure they are blended smoothly.
- Add a teaspoon of fresh milk cream to your mixture and then dab it on your face and neck.
- After 20 minutes, rinse the mask off your face.

Lemon-Aloe Vera Whitening Combo
Not only that it keeps your skin lighter, this combo also boosts the circulation of blood in your face.This results to glossy and fair skin.
- To do this, prepare a half cup of water.
- Dissolve squeezed lemon juice and 2 tbsp of aloe gel into the water.
- Pour the concoction in an ice cube tray and put them in the freezer.
- Every day, massage your face with an ice cube for around two minutes.

These may be cheap substitutes but they are proven home remedies that can save you both time and money! Share us your comments below!