Let's redefine the term 'beauty sleep' by doing something first before you go to bed. All you need is a banana and water to look more refreshed and beautiful the next day when you wake up! Are you ready to discover this incredible beauty hack? Read on to find out!
You wouldn't be crazy if you were to try this simple beauty hack.Stress levels that we face everyday make it hard to catch some much-needed rest that often leads to insomnia. A secret trick is to use banana. It's rich in magnesium which helps you catch some good quality sleep.
While cinnamon on the other hand, controls your blood sugar levels. All you need to do is use these two ingredients and make a sweet dish using this incredible recipe.
Ingredients: 1 organic banana (with peel), 1 small pot of water, a sprinkle of cinnamon.SEE PAGE 2 TO CONTINUE TO STEPS... Step 1: Cut off the ends of the banana (both the top and the bottom)
Step 2: Place the banana in the pot of water. Purified or spring water is better. Boil the banana for about 10 minutes.
Step 3: Add a dash of cinnamon in the water. If you prefer, you can also add stevia which helps control your blood sugar levels.
This is the wonder of using bananas. They help to make you sleep better and get that much needed rest!
So go ahead and give it a try! Let us know what you think by leaving your comments!