The subject of having twins raises curiosity in the minds of many females. Is there a way to increase the chances of making it happen? We attempt to discuss everything about the matter here, and shed some light on how to perceive twin girls for women out there!

Specialists believe that consuming yam increases the chances of a woman getting pregnant with twins. This enhances the ovulation process, thus increasing the odds of twins. Usually, it is advised to begin consuming yam less than 3 month before the planned pregnancy. From that point onward, your body will slowly begin to adjust and your ovulation cycle will be improved. Although this has yet to be fully backed up by research, many believe that it works. And certainly it won't hurt to try as well!Weight and age factor:
Weight and age contribute to the chances of a woman being pregnant with twins. Females who are overweight tend to have more hormone creation in their bodies, reducing the chances of pregnancy with twins. Age is also believed to contribute to the phenomenon, with women of older age having increased chances of being pregnant with twins.
Ovulation and sperm attributes:
Knowing when the timing is right can also help a woman get pregnant with twins. Having intercourse 2-3 days before ovulating increases the chances. Because female sperms are heavier, more active swimmers and live longer than the male sperms (72 hours compared to 24 hours) they will have an opportunity to develop in the egg cell, leaving you with twin girls during your pregnancy.Acidic environment:
Female sperms thrive and live in acidic environments. and this will surely help increase the chances of a woman getting pregnant with twins. These simple tips will help raise the odds of a woman getting pregnant with twin girls. So if you're a female looking to have twins, then these tips are for you to follow! Go ahead and give them a try!
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CREDITS: Minionscoop