Last Sunday an Instagram post by a former FHM cover girl Avi Siwa broke the internet and immediately went viral after she bashed the singer-actress, calling her a "low-life Palingkera."
The model claimed that Vina kept on provoking her and her friends. According to Siwa, she kept her cool throughout the whole incident and said that it was a waste of time and below her standards.
If you look back, both parties had a bitter history, which involves the Vina's current boyfriend French businessman Marc Lambert. Avi Siwa and the French businessman were once a couple and the two had a daughter together. In the said post, Avi stated that she had already made peace with Lambert for the sake of their daughter. In the same post, she said she has already forgiven Vina for her attitude in the bar and said that she is ready to made peace with her.
However, this is only possible if Vina promises to "speak like a lady."