Thursday, August 11, 2016

Baby Killed By Her Own Mother After Being Raped by Grandfather to Save Family From Disgrace!

This Muslim family made headlines after the mother decided to kill her own baby after being raped by the child's grandfather. The attempt was allegedly done to preserve the honor of the family and avoid disgrace in the eyes of the people in their town.
The whole incident occurred when the mother of the child woke up late at night due to the cries of their 2-year old baby. She was in total shock after discovering that the baby is being mercilessly raped by the grandfather.

Stunned by what she saw, the mother quickly acted in what is believed to be the only way to avoid shame in their family, and that is by killing the baby with her own hands.<
She quickly grabbed the baby away from the rapist grandfather's hands, undressed the child and slowly placed in a tub full of water, submerged until the poor, bleeding baby completely drowned.

Traces of blood were found inside the baby's anus according to reports done by the medical staff. Local police authorities arrested the two and was charged with rape and murder respectively. This kind of news is nothing short of surprising under Islam which honor killings and punishment under Sharia law are prevalent.

The Sharia law requires a woman accusing a man of rape to provide four witnesses to testify on her behalf or otherwise, she will be sentenced to death or extra-marital sex.

This is the reason why many children and women suffer sexual abuse in silence.
Source: ScoopitPH