It's no wonder women suddenly turn into dragons during their periods, because everything is just so painful! They have to deal with their menstruation every month, which means they frequently experience varying degrees of pain each time they are in they periods, ranging from slight discomfort to tremendous pain. Sometimes the pain can be tolerable, but there are times where it's too much to the point of unbearable.
But not to worry! We're here to provide the ladies with a simple list of things you can do to minimize the pain during your menstruation and make it all less painful and stressful.
So what are you waiting for? Check these out!
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Since our body is made up mostly of 50-75% water, keeping your body hydrated surely helps minimize the pain during your periods. Cramped muscles will relax and blood circulation will increase, so drink 8-10 glasses of water a day!
2. Add more calcium to your diet
Calcium not only makes your bones stronger, but also reduces painful muscle cramps during your menstruation! So make sure you supply your body with calcium-rich foods such as milk.
3. Consume nutritious foods
It's easy to grab your comfort food like snacks when you are on your periods, but eating healthy foods rich in nutrients like green vegetables, fruits, lean meat and proteins will help load up your body with the necessary vitamins and minerals to decrease the pain you will experience during menstruation.
4. Avoid foods that make you feel bloated
Carbonated drinks and beverages, fatty foods and junk foods should be avoided during your red days. These foods make you feel bloated during the day, and will not help you get through your period with less pain at all!
5. Reduce caffeine intake
Lessen the intake of caffeine during your periods. Muscle cramps will be minimized and the tension in your body will be relieved if you avoid drinking caffeinated drinks. It's suggested to replace your caffeine intake with herbal drinks such as green tea.
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6. Take vitamin D supplements
Vitamin D helps reduce pain during menstruation. Foods that are rich in vitamin D are fish, egg yolks, cheese, cereal, soy milk and cereal.
7. Do some light stretches
It's advised to avoid heavy tasks during your periods, but it's also easy to get carried away by laying in bed all day. Some light stretching will help flex your muscles and ease up the pain.
8. Keep your abdominal area warm
The pain associated with your periods can be relieved by applying heat in the lower abdominal area. A thermos or a bottle filled with warm water can be used to reduce pain.
9. Warm showers
Warm water will help relax your muscles and free them from tension to alleviate body and muscle pain. Abdominal pain will subside after taking a nice, long, relaxing warm bath.
These are some of the tips you can try to make your menstruation experience less painful and more tolerable. So go ahead and give these a try!
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