We always make it a point to look good as much as possible. And while looking beautiful doesn't always come easy, there are a lot of tips and tricks out there for women to follow to ensure they stay beautiful and looking their very best.
Here we discuss some of the amazing beauty hacks every woman should know. Once you find out about these things, you'll be on your way to looking good in simple and fast ways you've never imagined. Check these out!
1. Remove the wrinkles around your mouth naturally.
You can make a homemade anti-wrinkle cream by taking 200 grams of beeswax, 750 ml of olive oil and fresh marigold flowers and combining them all in a pot. Place the ingredients at low heat and let it boil. Coll the mixture overnight and apply on the affected areas next morning.
2. Cucumber juice
Treating eye bags and dark circles around your eyes with cucumber is very effective. Just mix equal parts of lemon juice and cucumber juice and apply on the dark areas around your eyes. Rinse after 15 minutes.
3. Get rid of blackheads in just 10 seconds!
Say goodbye to your blackheads fast by using this amazing mixture. Mix 2 tbsp. of cornflower and 2 tbsp. of vinegar to make a paste. Apply the mask on your chin and rinse with warm water afterwards.
4. Lighten dark underarms!
To do this, combine 1 tsp. of raw milk with plain yogurt and gram flour. Apply the mixture directly on your underarms and leave for about 20 minutes. Using organic coconut oil also lightens your dark underarms as this reduces dark spots and hyper-pigmentation.
5. Get rid of white hair
Take a whole lemon and chop it. Add garlic and linseed oil. Mix the ingredients well then put the mixture in a jar. Cool in the fridge and consume this twice a day. You can also massage your hair with cow milk butter twice a week to get rid of white hair.
6. Remedy for cracked heels
For women with cracked heels, this simple remedy will do the trick. A ripe banana is great for heel cracks. Just break the banana in half and apply it on your heels. Let it sit for about 15 minutes then rinse. Hot water is great for heel cracks because this softens the hard skin and makes it easier to remove with a pumice stone.
7. Cure dark skin around your neck!
Just take a whole lemon and squeeze out the juice. Soak a cotton ball in the juice and rub on the dark spots around your neck and leave it for about 10-20 minutes. Rinse with water afterwards and apply a light cream.
These amazing beauty hacks will help make you sure you look good and beautiful. So go ahead and give these tips a try!