At any time, it could strike without warning. You never know when it might happen. Like a silent thief at night, heart attack occurs when blood flow stops in the heart, causing damage to the heart muscle. It can happen to anyone at any time, children or adult alike due to myriad of factors.
Cardiovascular disease ranks among the most deadliest, claiming millions of lives across the globe annually. Heart attacks usually catch people by surprise, but there are certain signs and symptoms you can look for before it happens.
The general idea of people having a heart attack is the victim tightly clutching the chest and falling to the floor. While in fact, it may be much more different than that, with small indicators signaling that there is a heart attack coming, thus being able to prevent it before it actually happens.
Here are some of the red flags you should watch out for to know when a heart attack is coming:
#1. Frequent heartburn, nausea and indigestionOne of the warning signs of a heart attack is the frequent occurrence of heartburn, nausea and indigestion. If you're experiencing any of these repeatedly, know that a heart attack is coming. Heartburn accompanied with vomiting is very risky, so don't compromise and take action.
#2. Anxiety attacks and insomniaOxygen levels decline when you have heart disease. This causes mood swings, anxiety disorders and insomnia. If you have trouble sleeping and are occasionally feeling anxious, these are some signals that a heart attack is likely.
Continue on next page...#3. Irregular SweatingIf your body is sweating with little to no physical activity at all, take caution. If sweating persists for more than a week, go and visit the doctors.
#4. Extreme fatigueFeeling weak and tired all the time? This type of fatigue which is similar to having flu is another subtle warning sign of a heart attack. This could persist for weeks - even months and would usually affect you in performing basic day-to-day tasks.
#5. Chest painsOne of the most associated signs of heart attack, chest pains associated with a burning or pressuring feel are sure indicators. In some cases, the pain could also extend to your left arm or through the back.
#6. Aches and painsThe pain can be felt all over your body, usually in the jaw, neck and shoulder. The pain will persist if it's caused by exercise, but be very careful when the pain goes away after any physical activity.
#7 Dizziness and shortness of breathSigns and symptoms of a heart attack include trouble breathing, or shortness of breath, and dizziness. This happens when the heart experiences difficulty distributing oxygen to the rest of your body.
If you experience any of these signs and symptoms, it is advised to go to your doctors and have your health checked. Remember, prevention is better than to cure!
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