Menstruation. A monthly ritual for women in which they experience for almost half of their lives. It's amazing how they manage to handle themselves when they are on their periods when it can feel like a volcanic explosion coupled with mind-shattering pain.
Little do we know, there's more to it than just a river of red water flowing through them. Not many women are aware that there is more to it than just having a period, because menstruation can also be a telltale sign of what's happening inside the body.
Judging by the color, amount and how it flows could indicate other things. So for all the women out there reading this, take a look at these five health conditions for you to know and discover while you are having your own monthly period. Check them out! Continue on next page...
1. Uterine or Cervical Polyps
One of the signs of cervical or uterine polyps is when a woman experiences a sudden bleeding which is unrelated to her normal menstrual cycle. It indicates they are experiencing breakthrough bleeding, which could be because of the aforementioned polyps.
2. Painful Cramps
While most women are used to handling the pain associated with their monthly periods, unbearable pain exceeding their thresholds is not something to be ignored. It could be that something else is causing extreme pain other than menstruation, so a trip to the doctors would be a good idea.
3. Thyroid or Pituitary Gland Issue
Women sometimes experience a river flow of menstruation, while others experience a light flow on their periods. If the latter is the case, the cause might be your thyroid or pituitary glands having an issue. So better check to see if you're bleeding the right amount.
4. Cranberry Juice Blood Color
With a cranberry-red like hue, it's safe to say that you have a normal secretion if your menstruation appears to be of this color. No worries!
5. Hormone Imbalance
If you have experienced your period way over your menstrual cycle, chances are that you are pregnant. While this may not always be the case, some women experience a delayed period, which is nothing to worry about. If you're in doubt, go to the doctors to see if you're pregnant or having other issues with your period.
Watch and listen to hormone specialist Alisa Vitti as she talks about women's period with the video right down below to get a better idea about menstruation and what your period says about your health!Got any comments? Feel free to drop them down below and share us your thoughts and ideas by leaving them down the comments section!